General Information

Following the good results obtained by the ARTIS project (included in the POCTEFA programme and implemented between 2019-2022), the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya aims to lead a new edition of the project that will take a step forward in the promotion of cultural rights.

As in the first edition, ARTIS+ faces the challenge of guaranteeing cultural rights and universal access to culture on equal terms, paying special attention to people at risk of exclusion for health, socio-economic, gender or territorial reasons.

Despite significant improvements and greater awareness of these issues, many barriers still exist to the full inclusion of these groups that require new strategies from a cultural rights perspective.

Thus, ARTIS+ addresses these challenges from an integral perspective and through three main lines of intervention:

1) Cross-border exchange and identification of best practices for the improvement of public strategies, regulatory frameworks, guidelines and recommendations aimed at the sector in terms of cultural inclusion.

2) The exchange of methodologies for analysing the degree of accessibility of cultural facilities and the training and education of professionals in the sector.

3) The testing of pilot actions in the partnership's cultural facilities.

With this last objective in mind, a partnership made up of three regional governments (the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Regional Directorate of Cultural Affairs for Occitania and the Ministry of Culture of the Basque Government) and four stage and music venues (L'Auditori de Barcelona, the Orchestre national du Capitole, the Euskadiko Orkestra and the Orchestre de Pau Pays de Béarn) is presented.

This combination of entities and regions plays an essential role in addressing the challenges of the project, insofar as it integrates different visions with a high transferability capacity.


The partnership is made up of seven entities of two different types that have an impact on 11 regions of the POCTEFA territory (three in Catalonia, three in the Basque Country and four in Occitania and the Pyrénées-Atlantiques). Specifically, ARTIS+ is made up of:

1) Three regional public bodies with competences in the management of cultural facilities and policies: the Ministry of Culture of the Generalitat de Catalunya, the Directorate of Cultural Affairs for the Occitania Region and the Ministry of Culture of the Basque Government.

2) Four cultural facilities (all performing arts and musical venues): the L’Auditori de Barcelona, the Orchestre national du Capitole, the Euskadiko Orkestra and the Orchestre de Pau Pays de Béarn.

This combination of types of entity and region plays an essential role in addressing the challenges of the project, as it integrates different visions and strategies that are developed and have a high transferability capacity. This model enables the interchange between public strategy and implementation while guaranteeing the cultural rights of citizens.

The variety of regions involved in the project also diversifies the solutions proposed: it makes the debate more enriching and inclusive, and promotes mutual learning among the partners.

In addition, various entities from the cultural sector (performing arts, musical and exhibition facilities) are included to ensure that the difficulties of accessibility represented by these different modes of cultural enjoyment are taken into account.

Likewise, these modes make it possible to evaluate the effectiveness of regulations, recommendations and guidelines in different facilities through the implementation of pilot actions that adapt their services and facilities to all groups.


1. Development and sharing of the strategic and regulatory frameworks that govern the cultural rights of citizens.

2. Analysis and capture in cultural accessibility.

3. Pilot actions for creating comprehensive programmes for the implementation of cultural rights in performing arts and musical venues.

With this action, the participating cultural facilities test the theoretical part—channelled into regulations, strategic frameworks and implementation guidelines—developed previously. The pilot tests will consist of three main activities depending on the target group.

  • Musical activities aimed at schoolchildren, with a special focus on children from complex socio-economic backgrounds. L'Auditori will be taking part with the Cantània project, and the OPPB-El Camino and the Euskadiko Orkestra with the Kantata and Musika Gela projects, respectively.
  • Musical activities aimed at groups of people with physical or intellectual disabilities and older people with a significant degree of dependence or cognitive impairment. L’Auditori, with the La Banda ens Apropa and Cantània + Accessible projects, and the Euskadiko Orkestra with inclusive workshops and concerts and the Matinées + de cerca project. Matinées + de cerca.
  • Musical activities aimed at citizens at risk of exclusion for territorial reasons due to ruralisation. Participants include the Orchestre national du Capitole, L'Auditori, with the project Canta amb l'OBC, and the Euskadiko Orkestra, with the Canta con Euskadiko Orkestra and Euskadiko Orkestra Herrietan projects.

There are also plans for the organisation of a day to analyse the final results of the project, with the aim of transferring to the cultural community the practices carried out during the life of the project and the results obtained.

The ARTIS+ project is part of the European Interreg POCTEFA 2021-2027 programme, 65% of which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The ARTIS+ project has a total budget of €1,988,980.80, 65% of which is financed through the programme with ERDF funds (€1,292,835.69).   

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