Josep M. Martí Duran


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori

Josep Maria Martí Duran started learning plucked string instruments after finishing his classical guitar studies with Jordi Codina. He also studied with Xavier Díaz-Latorre at the ESMUC in Barcelona, with Massimiliano Toni in Novara, and with Eduardo Egüez at the Zürcher Hochschule der Künste in Zurich.

From the very outset, he has worked with the main ensembles specialising in early music, with whom he continues to collaborate regularly today. Some of the most noteworthy include Le Concert des Nations and Hespèrion XXI (dir. Jordi Savall), L’Arpeggiata (dir. Christina Pluhar), the Early Opera Company (dir. Christian Curnyn), Cafe Zimmermann (dir. Pablo Valetti), La Terza Prattica (dir. Massimiliano Toni), and Los Músicos de su Alteza (dir. Luis Antonio González).

In his intense concert career, he has performed in the most prestigious concert halls round the world and made several recordings for broadcasters such as France Musique, Radio France, RNE, BBC and Catalunya Ràdio, and with the labels Warner Classics, Erato, SONY, and Alpha.

In addition to having an extensive discography with the aforesaid groups, two more personal recording projects also stand out: Eternità d’Amore, presented in June 2019 at the Boston Early Music Festival to great public and critical acclaim, and the release of his first work as a soloist in which he proposed a new vision of the works of Handel and Purcell, transforming some of the main opera arias of both composers into music for theorbo. Under the title Ad Álgea, this project was released to the public in May 2020.

As a teacher, he has given master classes at the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music, at the XI Acadèmia de la Capella Reial de Catalunya, directed by Jordi Savall, and at the Pôle des Arts Baroques, in Toulouse.

Josep M. Martí Duran


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
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