Lluís Vilamajó

Preparació del conjunt vocal

Upcoming events
Bach-Mendelssohn Dialogue
July 8, 2024 · 7 pm


Born in Barcelona, he began his musical studies at the Escolania de Montserrat and continued at the Conservatori Superior de Barcelona. He studied violin with Xavier Turull and Agustín León Ara and singing studies with Margarita Sabartés and Carmen Martínez.

Since 1992, Lluís Vilamajó is a member of La Capella Reial de Catalunya, founded and conducted by Jordi Savall. He has also performed with ensembles such as Al Ayre Español, Venice Baroque Orchestra, Le Saqueboutiers de Toulouse, Ensemble La Fenice, Ensemble Barroque de Limoges, Il Fondamento with whom he has given concerts and made recordings at several venues in Europe and the USA, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, Australia, Israel and others.

He has been the choirmaster of the Capella de Música de Santa Maria del Mar in Barcelona, under Enric Gispert conduction, and of the Cor Infantil and the Cor de Noies de l’Orfeó Català from Palau de la Música Catalana in Barcelona. Together with Lambert Climent and Carlos Mena has been the responsible for the Coro Barroco de Andalucía (Sevilla), and from the Coro Vozes linked to Al Ayre Español (Zaragoza). At the same time, he has started the project FONICS for young singers and has been the artistic director of the Coro de la Orquesta Ciudad de Granada and the Joven Coro de Andalucía.

His collaboration with La Capella Reial de Catalunya and Jordi Savall includes the choir artistic preparation for performances of Mass in B minor, Magnificat and St. Matthew Passion by J. S. Bach, Vespers for the Blessed Virgin of C. Monteverdi or Die Israeliten in der Wüste of C. P. E. Bach. He also is the responsible for the Professional Academies of La Capella Reial de Catalunya and conducts the Jove Capella Reial de Catalunya together with maestro Savall.

As a solo singer he has performed works such as Vespers of the Blessed Virgin by C. Monteverdi, the Magnificat by J.S. Bach, the Requiem by W.A. Mozart, Messa di Gloria by G. Puccini, Die Schöpfung of J. Haydn, L’Enfant Prodigue de C. Debussy, Saint John and Saint Matthew Passions by J. S. Bach, the Messiah and The Resurection by G. F. Händel, la Mass in B minor from J. S. Bach, Il ritorno d'Ulisse de C. Monteverdi, among others.

He has performed under the order of conductors such as Salvador Brotons, Pierre Cao, Jordi Casas, Josep Prats, Juan José Mena, Manel Valdivieso, A. Ros Marbà, Andrew Parrott, Laszlo Heltay, R. Alessandrini, E. Ericson, Ernest Martínez Izquierdo, Jordi Savall, Salvador Mas, Attilio Cremonesi, Wieland Kuijken, Jordi Mora, Nicolas McGegan, Paul Dombrecht, Reinhard Goegel, Christophe Coin, Cristopher Hogwood, Andrea Marcon, Philippe Pierlot.

Lluís Vilamajó has taken part in many recording by Astrée-Audivis, Alia-Vox, Fonti musicali, Sony-classical, Deutsche Harmonia Mundi, Accord, Discant, Cantus.

Lluís Vilamajó

Preparació del conjunt vocal

Upcoming events
Bach-Mendelssohn Dialogue
July 8, 2024 · 7 pm
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