Nancy Fabiola Herrera


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist


With a career full of successes, the Spanish mezzo-soprano is acclaimed by critics for the "beauty of her voice, excellent musicality and her commanding stage presence". She is especially applauded for her interpretations of Carmen, opera that he has performed at the MET in New York, at the Royal Opera House in London, at the Arena di Verona, at the Bolshoi Theater in Russia, as well as in Berlin, Munich, Dresden, Sydney or Japan, among others.

La temporada passada va cantar Samson and Delilah at the Teatro de la Maestranza in Seville, Bernarda Alba at the Teatro de la Zarzuela in Madrid, The Favorite at the Cervantes Theater in Málaga, The Tales of Hoffmann in Beijing, Florence in the Amazon in Houston and Washington, El gato montés a Los Angeles, i va debutar al Teatre Colón de Buenos Aires amb The Italian in Algeria and at the MET in New York with Salomé.

Among his recent and upcoming commitments stand out Dido and Aeneas at the Solís Theater in Montevideo, Bernarda Alba in Malaga, Bluebird’s Castle at the Colon Theater in Bogotá, Adriana Lecouvrer in Oviedo or the Requiem de Mozart amb l’Orquestra de Ràdio Televisió Espanyola, entre d’altres.

Nancy Fabiola Herrera


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
Website of the artist
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