Su Cuncordu Codronzanesu


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While in northern Sardinian towns like Castelsardo and Santu Lussurgiu the practice of cuncordu singing has never ceased, in other areas there has been a process of recovery and revaluation of the tradition. This is the case in the town of Codrongianos, where since 2009 the ensemble Su Cuncordu Codronzanesu has been working to reconstruct the liturgical and paraliturgical repertoire of the disappeared Arciconfraternità di Santa Croce and of Rosario based on oral testimonies.

In September 2009, two young people from Codrongianos decided to rediscover the cuncordu singing they had heard so much about from the elders of the village, and to make a dream come true that they had shared for years. The memory of the solemnity with which the Passion of Jesus was represented, the love for the songs in Sardinian and Latin that accompanied and marked the different moments of Holy Week, prompted them to study this practice already lost in Codrongianos.

Luigi Betza and Giovanni Fara, prominent members of Codrongianos’ popular choir, turned to Luigino Cossu, an important interpreter of traditional Sardinian singing and soloist of the Aglientu choir, who accepted the position of teacher and conductor of the choir. Together with Giancarlo Cortis and Andrea Zucca Pais, scholars and enthusiasts of cantu a chiterra, they completed with sa oghe and sa mesa-oghe the circle for the execution of cuncordu singing. The ensemble has performed numerous times in Sardinia and on the Italian peninsula. This is their first performance outside their country.

Su Cuncordu Codronzanesu


The artist does not have any scheduled events at L'Auditori
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