JOAN MAGRANÉ: work (2020) 17′
FRANZ JOSEPH HAYDN: Symphony no. 49 makes it m The passion (1768) 22′
ALEXANDER ZEMLINSKY: Lyrische Symphony (Lyric Symphony), op. 18 (1922-23) 50'
Franz Joseph Haydn's symphony 49, known as The passion, is one of the most representative works of the period Sturm und Drang (Tempesta i empenta) by the composer, characterized by an intense and vigorous expressiveness. The symphony has a structure that takes up the model of the church sonata baroque, four movements in the same key headed by a slow time and of a somber and elegiac character.
La música de l’austríac Alexander Zemlinsky parteix de l’univers harmònic i formal de les darreres obres de Johannes Brahms i Gustav Mahler. Pròxim a les inquietuds de la Segona escola de Viena tot i que sense abraçar-ne els postulats estètics més agosarats, la cèlebre Lyrical symphony recorre al text d’the gardener, by Rabindranath Tagore, to create a colossal seven-movement symphonic canvas with two vocal soloists.
He headlines the concert work, de Joan Magrané. Titulada a partir del text homònim de Perejaume, la idea poètica d’una arbreda d’obres dona forma a un espai sonor com a metàfora de la natura i l’acció humanes.
Barcelona Symphony Orchestra
Annette Dasch, soprano
Josep-Ramon Olivé, baritone
Kazushi Ono, conductor