RUTTER: Magnificat
GUINOVART: Gloria (premiere)
Marta Mathéu, soprano
GIOrquestra (Marcel Sabaté, conductor)
Pere Lluís Biosca and Elisenda Carrasco i Ribot, direction
Following the musical and human success of the Canta project with the OBC during last season (17/18), a large number of its singers decided to continue singing together and form a new project: El Cor Canta.This 140-strong choir will present two choral symphony works in its first concert.
First, John Rutter’s Magnificat, a work that was premiered in New York’s Carnegie Hall in May 1990 and which, according to the English composer himself, “evokes a poetic outpouring of praise, joy and trust in God”.
The second part brings, with the same brilliant and colourful orchestration as Rutter’s work, Albert Guinovart’s Gloria, a work commissioned by El Cor Canta and written specially for this, the ensemble’s first concert.
Our aim with this is to give the public a consolidated work within the contemporary repertoire, the Magnificat, together with a completely new work by one of our most appreciated and renowned local composers.
Both works will also be performed by the GIOrquestra, a young but already renowned orchestra born in Girona seven years ago, and by the prestigious Tarragona-born soprano Marta Mathéu.