20 years of the CIM de les Corts

  • Dates
    November 4, 2024 · 7:30h
  • Price
    Free concert. Limited capacity.
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
Mon. 04-11-2024
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Elisabeth Franch (flautist), Enric Moya (violinist), Carme Garrigo (percussionist), Carlos Caballé (jury member and artistic agent), Jaume Aragall (jury member and tenor), Marc Sala (tenor), Irene Mas Salom (soprano ), Jose Enrique Bagaría (jury member and pianist), Keybart Ensemble (sax quartet) and Lucía Guerrero (soprano), among others.


This 2024, the Les Corts International Music Competition, jointly organized by the Barcelona City Council (Les Corts District), the A Tempo Center for Musical Studies and the Por el Otro Coro Quemado Association - Ayuda al Cuarto Mundo, celebrates its twentieth anniversary with an anniversary gala, financed by tourist tax.

Vine a gaudir d’aquest concert excepcional amb representants del panorama musical. Un viatge pels vint anys del Concurs Internacional de Música de les Corts, on grans figures ens compartiran les seves experiències, gaudirem de les seves actuacions i anècdotes del concurs i compartirem moments inoblidables de la mà del  periodista, escriptor i divulgador musical Marcel Gorgori.


Organitza: Ajuntament de Barcelona (Districte de les Corts), Centre d’Estudis Musicals A Tempo and Associació Per l’Altre Cor Cremat – Ajut al Quart Món

20 years of the CIM de les Corts

  • Dates
    November 4, 2024 · 7:30h
  • Price
    Free concert. Limited capacity.
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
Mon. 04-11-2024
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