This event is from the Season 2019-20

2001: Una Odissea de l’espai en concert

  • Dates
    10, 11 i 12 de gener 2020
  • Price
    12€ / 26€ / 39€ / 50€ / 60€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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Barcelona Symphony and National Orchestra of Catalonia (OBC)
André de Ridder, conductor
Cor Madrigal
Cor Francesc Valls


Original version with Catalan subtitles.

The first thing that strikes us at the beginning of the film is the music, with its sustained, intense chords, broken by the iconic timpani hits, written by Richard Strauss in the late 19th century. The composer would never have dreamed that this music would become a sound icon in the history of cinema. And later in the film we have Viennese waltzes, contemporary music, fragments of a Requiem. Classical music to accompany futuristic spacecraft that move through space and the eerie sound of the planets they see pass by.Apart from the spectacular images of space, the film is surprising for the use of symphony music, which is featured throughout almost the entire film. Works by composers such as György Ligeti and Strauss himself became popular thanks to the musical selection made by Stanley Kubrick over 50 years ago.

Presented in association with Warner Bros., Southbank Centre and the British Film Institute


2001: Una Odissea de l’espai en concert

  • Dates
    10, 11 i 12 de gener 2020
  • Price
    12€ / 26€ / 39€ / 50€ / 60€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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