This event is from the Season 2020-21

Alba Molina and Joselito Acedo

  • Dates
    29 d'abril 2021
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Alba Molina, cante (flamenco singing)‎
Joselito Acedo, guitar


The dialogues past and present are a recurring creative journey. When the dialogue is established between father, mother and daughter, the emotional scope of the resulting product will leave nobody unmoved. This is the case with Para Lole y Manuel, a show that singer Alba Molina dedicated to her parents and which she recorded live in 2019. Accompanied only by the guitar of Joselito Acedo, Alba Molina immerses herself in the essential legacy of Lole and Manuel, who revolutionised flamenco song in the seventies and eighties by imbuing it with the sounds of rock and psychedelia, and offers it to us in an intimate format free of artifice.

Alba Molina and Joselito Acedo

  • Dates
    29 d'abril 2021
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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