This event is from the Season 2018-19



  • Dates
    16 de febrer 2019
  • Location
    Basílica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor
  • Duration aprox.
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J. DESPREZ: O virgo prudentissima, for 6 voices; Benedicta es caelorum regina (chant); ‎Benedicta es caelorum regina, for 6 voices; Et In Terra Pax, Missa Pange lingua (transc. ‎Vincenzo Capirola); Absalon fili mi, for 4 voices; Ut Phoebi radiis, for 4 voices; Qui tollis, Missa ‎Pange lingua (transc. Vincenzo Capirola); Praeter rerum seriem, for 6 voices; Inviolata, integra ‎et casta es, Maria (chant); Inviolata, integra et casta es, Maria; Pater noster, for 6 voices; Ave ‎Maria, for 4 voices; Tu solus qui facis mirabilia, for 4 voices; Salve Regina, for 5 voices; Ave ‎Maria, for 6 voices; Nymphes des Bois, for 4 voices


Anna Maria Friman & John Potter, vocals
Ariel Abramovich & Jacob Heringman, vihuelas


Continuing with the theme of the 500th anniversary of the start of the Protestant ‎Reformation, the Alternative History ensemble, headed by vocalist John Potter, will present ‎a repertoire of music by Josquin Desprez, of whom Luther was a great admirer.‎Under the name Secret History, the ensemble will present part of the album it recorded in ‎‎2017 for the ECM label, where it investigates the relationships the music of Josquin Desprez ‎and Tomás Luis de Victoria have established through different generations of musicians. For ‎their concert in the Lights of Early Music Festival, Alternative History will perform pieces ‎exclusively by Desprez, a key figure in Renaissance music. Desprez’s work includes all the ‎major genres of the period, and it had a decisive influence that extended across the whole of ‎Europe during the 15th and 16th centuries. The repertoire that ‎makes up Secret History centres on sacred pieces for different voices, accompanied by ‎vihuelas. The version by Alternative History will take us into a reflective and intense universe ‎of music that will appeal to our deepest emotions.‎




  • Dates
    16 de febrer 2019
  • Location
    Basílica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor
  • Duration aprox.
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