This event is from the Season 2016-17


Peter Martinez

  • Dates
    Dijous 20 d'abril 2017
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Pere Martínez, vocals
Max Villavecchia, piano
Javier Garrabella, double bass
Joan Carles Marí, drums


Young singer Pere Martínez is back with the same band of travellers. Going by the name Aurora, this quartet, a group of talented young musicians from the Bachelor of Music of the Taller de Músics music school, perform new music on the themes of Lorca, Albéniz, Pedrell and the great composer Manuel de Falla.After performing the work of Manuel de Falla last season at L’Auditori, young singer Pere Martínez is back with the same band of travellers. Going by the name Aurora, this quartet, a group of talented young musicians from the Bachelor of Music of the Taller de Músics music school perform new music on the themes of Lorca, Albéniz, Pedrell and the great composer Manuel de Falla. The group plays with its own musical style influenced by jazz and flamenco, far from traditional but still rooted in those genres.




Peter Martinez

  • Dates
    Dijous 20 d'abril 2017
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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