This event is from the Season 2017-18

Bernstein anniversary

Kazushi Ono and Nikolaj Znaider

  • Dates
    16, 17 i 18 de febrer 2018
  • Price
    10 € / 32 € / 42 € / 56 €
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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ARNAU TORDERA I: Illa Esperança. OBC Commission. World premiere. ET TOCA A TU
COPLAND: El Salón México
BRUCH: Concerto for Violin and Orchestra No. 1, Op. 26, in G Minor
BERNSTEIN: Kaddish (Symphony No. 3). First performance by OBC


Kazushi Ono, conductor
Nikolaj Znaider, violin
Soprano to be confirmed
Narrator to be confirmed
Cor Lieder Càmera (director: Eduard Vila i Perarnau)
Cor Madrigal (director: Mireia Barrera)
VEUS- Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió (director: Josep Vila i Jover)
Et Toca a tu: Big Band de l’Institut Guillem Catà i Coral Escodines
Orquestra Simfònica de l’Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya (ESMUC)


After opening the commemoration of the centenary of Leonard Bernstein with West Side Story, Kazushi Ono conducts one of his main choral-symphonic works at the OBC: Symphony No. 3 and he invites Nikolaj Znaider, one of the top European violinists today.The nickname “Kaddish” refers to a Jewish prayer and, despite the fact that the work is dedicated to president John F. Kennedy (assassinated three weeks before the premiere), it’s an ode to peace, a spectacular and intense work that speaks of the love between peoples. It premiered in Israel and stirred up much controversy due to the alleged profanity contained in the text, but experts in Hebrew philosophy have their approval it and it became a resounding success. Max Bruch wrote symphonies, operas, choral music, etc. But the most-performed is this wonderful and virtuosic concerto for violin, premiered by the legendary Joseph Joachim exactly 150 years ago.


Bernstein anniversary

Kazushi Ono and Nikolaj Znaider

  • Dates
    16, 17 i 18 de febrer 2018
  • Price
    10 € / 32 € / 42 € / 56 €
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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