This event is from the Season 2017-18


In tune

  • Dates
    10 de juny 2018
  • Location
    Espai Exterior L’Auditori
  • Duration aprox.
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Martí Ventura, director and pianist
Leo Torres, Josep Gomariz, Albert Cruz, Toni Cuesta, trumpets
Joan Mas, Francesc Vidal, Cesc Miralta, Marc Sort, Jaume Badrenas, saxophones
Pere Enguix “Petete”, Daria Garcia, Vicent Pérez, David Parras, trombones
Aleix Forts, double bass
Joan Sanmartí, guitar
Lluís Ribalta, drums


The Granollers Big Band as part of Vermut Jazz presents a programme featuring music from TV series.The new production from the Granollers Big Band presents a concert with original and commissioned arrangements for the project, based on music from TV series. Depending on the age of the listener, this music will bring back the visual imagery and feelings experienced in front of the TV, which will be different for each person. The project’s writers are: Joan Monné, Sergi Vergés, Joan Díaz, Àlex Martínez and Martí Ventura. The short tunes provide the opportunity for the Granollers Big Band to create, improvise and have fun with the audience as they bring back to life the best TV music performed by a Big Band.



In tune

  • Dates
    10 de juny 2018
  • Location
    Espai Exterior L’Auditori
  • Duration aprox.
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