This event is from the Season 2019-20


  • Dates
    23 i 24 de febrer 2020
  • Price
    16 € / 12 € reduced price
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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CARL ORFF: Carmina Burana


Barcelona Symphony Band
José R. Pascual Vilaplana, conductor
Ulrike Haller, soprano
Jordi Domènech, countertenor
Toni Marsol, baritone
Coral Cantiga (Josep Prats, conductor)
Coral Sinera (Coral Jove de Cantiga) ((Isabel Mantecón, conductor)
Coral Sant Jordi (Oriol Castanyer, conductor)
José R. Pascual Vilaplana, conductor


Carmina Burana is the most popular symphonic-choral work of the 20th century. It premiered in 1937 and since then has been unceasingly performed around the world, to the great delight of not only those who listen to it, but also to those who play and sing it. It is a direct, sincere and spirited work.Orff was left spellbound by the expressive and rhythmic power of several medieval poems and decided to use them for a large-scale work. He created entirely new music, but with an ancient air, influenced by the polyphony of the Renaissance and Gregorian chant, with block harmonies creating a stunning impact and highly-original rhythmic patterns, which at times convert the band into one enormous percussion instrument at the service of the text. O Fortuna!



  • Dates
    23 i 24 de febrer 2020
  • Price
    16 € / 12 € reduced price
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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