Roger Padullés & Tomeu Moll-Mas

Songs by Baltasar Samper

  • Dates
    December 16, 2023 · 1 pm
  • Price
    Free entrance without prior reservation. Limited capacity
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Baltasar Samper: Selection of songs
Alpestre (1915), Cirerer florit (1922), Excelsior (1915-1918), Cançó de taverna (1926), Cançons franciscanes (1927), Del monestir a la Pobla (1923-1933), Capvespre de juny (1935), Una esperança tardana (1935), Fantasia (1935), Selection from Seven Songs by Conrad F. Meyer (1940)


Roger Padullés, tenor
Tomeu Moll-Mas, piano


Majorcan musician Baltasar Samper i Marquès (1888–1966) was multi-talented, not only a performer and conductor, but also a critic and researcher in the field of ethnomusicology during the Catalan Noucentisme period. As a member of the group Independent Composers of Catalonia, which also included Blancafort, Gerhard, Toldrà, Mompou and others, he strove to renew and reappraise traditional aesthetics and culture. His compositions combined innovative, revolutionary airs from the music of the first third of the twentieth century with traditional popular music. Tenor Roger Padullés and pianist Tomeu Moll-Mas help us rediscover the vocal work of one of Catalan Noucentisme’s most remarkable musicians.

Roger Padullés & Tomeu Moll-Mas

Songs by Baltasar Samper

  • Dates
    December 16, 2023 · 1 pm
  • Price
    Free entrance without prior reservation. Limited capacity
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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