Canta Gran

El secret d'Egipte

  • Dates
    18 de desembre de 2023 i 24 de febrer de 2024
  • Price
    Free admission with concert ticket / €5
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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Paisatge Mediterrani
Les set meravelles del món antic
Gertrude Bell, vius en un món d’homes
L’Orient Express
Coincidir en un viatge
El valor dels llibres
La història més bonica d’Egipte
El misteri de la reina Hatshepsut
Creuer pel Nil
El futur que ens espera


Anna Campmany, composer
David Pintó, author
Montserrat Meneses and Montserrat Roset, musical direction
Toni Viñals, stage direction
Miquel Villalba, piano
Oriol Martí , double bass
Marina Sala, violin
Guillem Vilar, oboe
Ramon Torramilans, percussion
Mone Teruel, soloist
Clara Moraleda, soloist

Recording artists:
Miquel Villalba, piano
Guillermo Prats, double bass
Marina Sala, violin
Guillem Vilar, oboe
Pere Cornudella, percussion
Àngels Gonyalons, soloist
Anna Campmany, soloist
Chorus recording: Yasmin EL Farhi, Anna Campmany, Laia Prat, Alícia Martínez, Aurora Miró, Maria Guirado, Irene Recolons, Irene Plass, Marc Guerris, Joan Mas, Martí Pàmies, Dani Morales, Vincent de Soomer, Nestor Pindado, Germán de la Riva, Joan Clement

Recording: The Auditorium – October 2022
Musical direction recording: Montserrat Meneses
Stage direction recording: Toni Viñals
Mixes and digital edition: Can Ferran – October 2022
Recording and digital editing: Ferran Conangla and Enric Giné
Mixing and mastering: Ferran Conangla
Head of the Educational Service: Marta del Olmo


Canta Gran (Singing for the Over 60s) is a programme that emerged directly out of the social ‎welfare policies of Barcelona City Council in 2002. It aspires to increase the active role of older ‎people in society and give them the opportunity to participate as fully as possible. This ‎activity aims to be part of a further cycle of personal growth and quality of life, adding “life to ‎years and not just years to life”. This project has successfully shone a spotlight on choirs for ‎older people from all the participating cities.

If you want to participate, write an email to and they will inform you of the registration process. Registration opens on May 18, 2023 and will remain open until July 20, 2023 (or until the maximum number of singers are registered).

CANTA GRAN. El secret d’Egipte
Listen to the audios here.
Check the score here.
Check  the lyrics here.

Egypt is a great mystery. From time immemorial, this civilisation has intrigued people with its advances and modern way of thinking. The concert leads us into this land, which is home to the oldest of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.
Our story begins in London. Gertrude Bell, an adventurous woman with a love of travel, discovers the wealth of this desert land. As a young woman, she decides to leave the fog of London for the sun and a new world that offers her great opportunities.
To get to Egypt in the late nineteenth century she needs to take the famous Orient Express, a journey that takes several days and is an adventure in itself, an opportunity to enjoy Europe’s varied textures and landscapes.
When she arrives in Istanbul, from where she will travel to Egypt, Gertrude meets a young Agatha Christie, who is travelling with her mother.
The two women become friends and travel together to Alexandria, home of the most important library of all time.
And, walking round the city, they come across a beautiful story about Egypt that chance (disguised as a beggar) offers them: a secret that time has buried under the sand, the mystery of Queen Hatshepsut.
Returning to Cairo on a small steamship, they realise that a journey is much more than seeing buildings. A journey means understanding a place and its people and another way of cruising down the Nile. Their chance meeting and the discovery of the legend of the pharaoh have made them different people.
The time comes for them to leave. Their journey is over and their paths separate. What they are unaware of is that after many years, when one has become a famous writer and the other is working as a spy for the British government, they will have forgotten the story that they found so fascinating.

Logo Canta Gran

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Supportted by:

Logotip Diputació de Barcelona

Canta Gran

El secret d'Egipte

  • Dates
    18 de desembre de 2023 i 24 de febrer de 2024
  • Price
    Free admission with concert ticket / €5
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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