BENJAMIN BRITTEN: Saint Nicolas Op. 42
ALBERT GUINOVART: Three carols for choir and orchestra
I. El dimoni escuat
II. El desembre congelat
III. Fum, fum, fum
BENJAMIN BRITTEN: Saint Nicolas Op. 42
Coral Sant Jordi – conducted by Oriol Castanyer
Cor Jove de la Coral Sant Jordi – conducted by Abel Castilla
L’Esquitx – conducted by Laia Nieto, Júlia Olivés and Emma Prims
L’Espurna – conducted by Ariadna de Casacuberta, Toni Gálvez, Laia de las Heras and Mon Monfort
Terrassa 48 Chamber Orchestra – conducted by Quim Térmens
Carles Marigó and Jordi Castellà, piano
David Hernández, tenor
Xavier Puig, conductor
ALBERT GUINOVART: Three carols for choir and orchestra
Coral Sant Jordi
Terrassa 48 Chamber Orchestra
Oriol Castanyer, conductor
November 30th marks 70 years since a group of thirteen youngsters, under the name of the Schola Sant Jordi and conducted by Oriol Martorell, gave, what is widely regarded as, the first performance of the Coral Sant Jordi at the Centre Parroquial in Rubí. In celebration of this, the Coral Sant Jordi returns to the Oriol Martorell Hall to perform the Saint Nicolas Cantata by Britten, conducted by Xavier Puig.