This event is from the Season 2020-21

Cesarini. Retrat d’artista

  • Dates
    25 d'abril 2021
  • Price
    16 € / 12 € reduced price
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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Franco Cesarini
The Haunter of the Dark (1995) 10’
Bulgarian Dances II, Op. 43 (2013) 15’
Symphony No. 3 “Urban Landscapes”, Op. 55 (2020). World premiere


Barcelona Symphonic Band

Franco Cesarini, conductor


If we had to name today’s four finest composers for symphony bands, Franco would undoubtedly be one of them. He is a musician who excels on three different levels: as a conductor, composer and performer, with an acclaimed career as a flute player. His work has been extolled on all the world’s continents and, with this artist portrait , Barcelona is honoured to premiere Franco’s Symphony No. 3 “Urban Landscapes”, composed in 2020.

DOWNLOAD THE PROGRAM HERE Portrait of an artist also includes The Haunter of the Dark, a programmatic piece inspired by the novel of the same name by North-American writer Howard Phillips Lovecraft; a horror story about an evil being that lives in an abandoned church and can be summoned with a magic stone. Rounding off the concert is Bulgarian Dances II, a piece evocative of traditional Bulgarian music, with fascinating frenetic rhythms and melancholic melodies typical of the country’s folklore.

Cesarini. Retrat d’artista

  • Dates
    25 d'abril 2021
  • Price
    16 € / 12 € reduced price
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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