This event is from the Season 2018-19



  • Dates
    28 d'octubre 2018
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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The charismatic and talented Christophe Chassol presents Indiamore as part of ‎the L’Auditori’s Sit Back programme in collaboration with the In-Edit Festival and the Voll-‎Damm Jazz Festival of Barcelona.‎Pianist, composer, arranger and musical director for artists such as Phoenix and Sébastien ‎Tellier, the charismatic and talented Christophe Chassol creates unclassifiable artistic pieces. ‎His compositions link voices, music, sounds and images to transform them into completely ‎new visual objects.‎

For Indiamore, Chassol went to Kolkata and Varanasi, the oldest city in India, to ‎film sitarists, percussionists, singers, dancers, children, the Ganges, the city and its many ‎sounds. He dialogued the audio material for the documentary with live music to obtain an ‎inspiring and original sound.‎

Chassol has become a master of a hypnotising audiovisual technique, managing to perfectly ‎combine a documentary approach with a purely musical work.‎




  • Dates
    28 d'octubre 2018
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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