Guided tours of the exhibition ‘Ja saps tocar el piano. Rastres de Carles Santos’

La Mercè 2024

  • Dates
    September 21, 22 ans 24, 2024
  • Price
    Free activity with prior reservation. Limiting aforament.
  • Location
    Museu de la Música
  • Duration aprox.
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With the team of educators from the Museu de la Música

The Museu de la Música celebrates the musician Carles Santos from the resonance of his legacy in contemporary practices. Tracing a thread between works by different authors, 'You already know how to play the piano. Rastres de Carles Santos' shows and collects testimonies, traces and actions that give new meaning to his mark.

The exhibition, curated by Ona Balló and Elena Lasala, conveys present and past with a selection of visual and sound recordings that open the window of what remains,from the Santos performer of the sixties to the composer of the great celebrations of the nineties, through the work of the Catalan Instrumental Group. At the same time, he questions how the staging and filming of his musical performances allow us to rethink and transgress the audiovisual narrative.

In collaboration with the JFundació Joan Brossa – FCentre de les Arts Lliures i el programa Creació i Museus de l’ICUB.

Guided tours of the exhibition ‘Ja saps tocar el piano. Rastres de Carles Santos’

La Mercè 2024

  • Dates
    September 21, 22 ans 24, 2024
  • Price
    Free activity with prior reservation. Limiting aforament.
  • Location
    Museu de la Música
  • Duration aprox.
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