This event is from the Season 2022-23

Myths and Sounds

David Rejano & Beatriz Fernández

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Alexandre Kosmicki: Danse satanique (2015) 11′
Ferrer Ferran: Te Bon e Paiporta (2008) 20’
Bert Appermont: Symphony No. 1 “Gilgamesh” (2003) 28’


Barcelona Symphonic Band
David Rejano, trombone
Beatriz Fernández, conductor


The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra’s principal trombonist plays Te Bon e Paiporta by Ferrer Ferran, giving us the opportunity to enjoy an intense work performed by a first-class player. Ferran transports us to Valencia’s Horta Sud region, where he introduces us to Sant Jordi, the former name of Paiporta, allows us to enjoy the delicate aroma of the orange trees, and invites us to the festivities in El Barranc, the most characteristic of the Valencian region. The concert begins with Danse satanique by French composer Kosmicki, a truly diabolical witches’ Sabbath, depicted in vibrant music which is technically very demanding.

Symphony no. 1 by Appermont, the Belgian composer to whom the Band is dedicating its portrait of an artist tribute this season, is inspired by the deeds of Gilgamesh, king of Uruk, based on the epic poem conserved on a Sumerian clay tablet. The main characters are two contradictory forces: Gilgamesh himself, who is seeking immortality, and his companion Enkidu, who represents the wilder side of humanity. An epic myth embodied in extraordinary music.

Myths and Sounds

David Rejano & Beatriz Fernández

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