This event is from the Season 2022-23

Cobla Marinada and Cobla Sant Jordi

Cobla Festival

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First part
Cobla Marinada and Alfons Reverté (dir.)
Joan Lamote de Grignon:  The Mad Rose (1908) 5′
Juli Garreta: Above the Gavarres (1922) 5′
Antoni Ros-Marbà: Festa a ciutat  (1957) 5′

Cobla Sant Jordi – City of Barcelona and Marcel Sabaté (dir.)
Joan Magrané: Premiere Work – 9′
Xavier Pagès-Corella: La roda del temps (2013) 9′ for cobla, percussion and cello
Manuel Oltra: Montmagastre (1970) 6′

Second part
Cobla Marinada and Cobla Sant Jordi – Ciutat de Barcelona and Marcel Sabaté (dir.)
Félix Martínez and Comín: La reina i el trobador (1964) 6′
Marc Timon:  Puigsoliuenca (2007) 5′
Joaquim Serra: La presó de Lleida (1965) 10′

Cobla Marinada, Cobla Sant Jordi – Ciutat de Barcelona, Cobla de l'Esmuc and Antoni Ros-Marbà (dir.)
Eduard Toldrà: La maledicció del Comte Arnau (1926) 4′


Cobla Marinada
Alfons Reverté, director
Cobla Sant Jordi – City of Barcelona
Marcel Sabaté, director
Couple of ESMUC
Antoni Ros Marbà, director
Robert Armengol, percussion
Daniel Claret, cello


The Cobla Marinada, the Cobla Sant Jordi – The Cobla Marinada, the Cobla Sant Jordi – Ciutat de Barcelona and the ESMUC Cobla will perform together in a celebration of Catalan musical culture, demonstrating the versatility of the Sardana genre and of the cobla band itself. The programme ranges from traditional sardanes, such as Joan Lamote de Grignon’s The Mad Rose(The Fool’s Rose), which takes its inspiration from folk songs, and Above the GavarresJuli Garreta’s Dalt les Gavarres (The Gavarres Heights), La roda del temps, by Xavier Pagès-Corella, which, based on the image of the wheel, unfolds a captivating rhythmic game.

In the first part of the concert they will premiere a work by Joan Magrané and perform two symphonic pieces: Festa a ciutat, by Antoni Ros-Marbà, i Montmagaster, by Manuel Oltra, a work with pastoral touches that evokes the castle of Montmagastre, in Artesa de Segre. In the second part of the concert, the protagonist will be Joaquim Serra: first, with Puigsoliuenca, a sardana that Marc Timón composed on the occasion of Serra's centenary based on themes from Puigsoliu; then, with La presó de Lleida. The concert will close with The Curse of Count Arnau, by Eduard Toldrà, a short symphonic poem for three couplets that premiered in 1927 at the Palau de la Música Catalana and is inspired by Joan Maragall's verses.

Cobla Marinada and Cobla Sant Jordi

Cobla Festival

Totes les sessions finalitzades
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