This event is from the Season 2022-23

Missa solemnis by Beethoven

El so original. Jordi Savall

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L. V. Beethoven: Missa solemnis (Solemn Mass) in D major, Op.123 (1819-1823) 75′


Le Concert des Nations
La Capella Nacional de Catalunya
Lina Johnson, soprano
Olivia Vermeulen, alto
Martin Platz, tenor
Manuel Walser, baritone
Jordi Savall, conductor


Following his performances of Beethoven’s symphonies, Jordi Savall will present one of the masterpieces in the history of choral symphonies, the Bonn composer’s Missa solemnis. The composer wrote it to celebrate the bishopric granted to Emperor Leopold II’s son, Archduke Rudolf. Written at more or less the same time as his 9th Symphony, it approaches Catholic mass from a “human, all too human” perspective, to borrow a term from Nietzsche. Beethoven reaffirms his faith through a cry for hope for humanity, without relinquishing belief in a higher power. Hence, this work has nothing in common with a “theatrical” mass, because Beethoven manages to imbue it with his own spirituality, exploring the full potential of the human voice through the choir and pushing the limits of register‎ in an extremely arduous work for the choir, soloists, musicians and conductor. 

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Missa solemnis by Beethoven

El so original. Jordi Savall

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