Veus – Amics de la Unió

Emergents Marathon

Sat. 15-02-2025
Free entrance
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Jordi Domènech: El bressol de Sant Josep (St. Joseph’s Cradle) (2008)
Mariona Vila: Cançó de les sirenes (Song of the Sirens) (2004)
Josep Vila i Casañas: Si serà el gos o bé el gat (It’ll Be the Dog or Else the Cat) (2016)
Gerard López Boada: Il paese de i contenti (2021)
Anna Campmany: Colors (Colours)
Josep Ollé i Sabaté: La filadora (The Spinner) (2022)
Albert Guinovart: Ull de bou (Bull’s-eye) (2009)
Bernat Vivancos: L’ametller (The Almond Tree) (2017)
Oriol Hernández: Baixant de la font del gat (Coming Down from the Font del Gat) (2019)


Veus – Cor Infantil Amics de la Unió
Paul Perera, piano
Josep Vila Jover, conductor


Nothing could be more appropriate to open this season’s Chamber Marathon of Emerging Artists than one of the best choirs of young voices in Europe. The youngest group of the historic Societat Coral Amics de la Unió de Granollers, the children’s choir Veus, presents nine compositions by contemporary Catalan composers, which they will perform with Josep Vila i Jover, the choir’s chief conductor since its foundation. The sixty performers, aged between 12 and 18, will surprise us with original works by creators of different generations and styles and arrangements of traditional songs. Some of the composers are also singers, such as Jordi Domènech, Mariona Vila and Anna Campmany, choir conductors, such as Josep Vila i Casañas and Bernat Vivancos, or experienced choral or vocal composers, such as Gerard López Boada, Josep Ollé i Sabaté and Albert Guinovart. Vocal skills, good performances and youthful energy are guaranteed.

Supported by:

Banc Sabadell Fundació

Veus – Amics de la Unió

Emergents Marathon

Sat. 15-02-2025
Free entrance
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