DOUBLE CONCERT: With the ticket for this concert you can access the subsequent concert: Poetics of Frø, at 8 p.m.

Show us your Screen

Citlali Hernández + Eloi Isern

  • Dates
    Jan. 18, 2025 · 7 p.m. – Show us your Screen · 8 p.m. Poetics of Frø
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
Sat. 18-01-2025
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An improvised electronics session: IDM and Glitch with audio-reactive visuals generated with Live Coding.


Citlali Hernández and Eloi Isern, Live Coding audiovisual


Transdisciplinary artist Citlali Hernández, together with live coderEloi Isern, present a session based on digital glitch and live-generated visual accompaniment. The glitch, developed by renowned artists such as Ryoji Ikeda and Oval, is based on the use of defects during the digital encoding process, which cause the appearance of failed sounds or images. These clicks and pops, which would normally be considered as errors in the audiovisual signal, are some of the elements that underpin the discourse of this show.

Hernández and Isern’s work also contains features of IDM (Intelligent Dance Music). The label—intelligent dance music— is often used to describe electronic music influenced by techno, but which at the same time explores rhythms and textures of considerable complexity. Hernández and Isern’s aesthetic operates within this domain, which exists between dance and attentive listening.

Supported by:

Banc Sabadell Fundació

Show us your Screen

Citlali Hernández + Eloi Isern

  • Dates
    Jan. 18, 2025 · 7 p.m. – Show us your Screen · 8 p.m. Poetics of Frø
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
Sat. 18-01-2025
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