This event is from the Season 2022-23

Za! & la TransUltraMegaCobla

Cobla Festival

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Edi Pou, drums and voice
Pau Rodríguez, guitar and voice

Tarta Relena:
Marta Torrella, voice and percussion
Helena Ros, voice and percussion

Pep Moliner, fiscorn
Xavi Molina, tenora
Jordi Casas, tible
Xavi Torrent, flabiol
Raül Gallego, trumpet
Albert Clapés, trumpet
Pablo Martín, trombone
Adrià Bauzó, tenora


The Za! & la TransMegaCobla project, which was launched two seasons ago and has travelled all over Catalonia, culminates this year, completing its trajectory here. The magnetic communion between duos Za! and Tarta Relena will be enhanced by the presence of TransUltraMegaCobla, formed by a large group of musicians from the Cobla Sant Jordi, to offer the live premiere of their first self-titled album, due to be released in 2023.

An experimental, playful and festive production, which draws on the music, sounds and rhythms of the Mediterranean, blending traditional sources with cutting-edge trends. Only this group of groups, which includes some of the keenest and most adventurous minds on the current music scene, would be capable of creating this unique fictitious universe of sound with such grace and skill … and in Phoenician!

Za! & la TransUltraMegaCobla

Cobla Festival

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