Thursday 29 March at 6.30 pm at the Museu de la Música: Discussion on music in the Romanian Orthodox Church. Free admission with prior booking at Limited places.
A liturgical service (mass) in association with the Religious Affairs Office and the Romanian Orthodox Church of Barcelona.
The Byzantine mystic gave special relevance to the belief in the angelic transmission of the chants of the Church. The numerous representations of angelic choirs around the throne of God that we find in the biblical texts are evidence of the musical dimension of heavenly worship. Therefore, the music of the Orthodox Liturgy is based on melodies which, transcribed and prepared by hymnographers, are considered reflections or models of celestial beauty.
The Romanian Orthodox Church is a melting pot of different cultures –of Greek, Latin and Slavic origin–, resulting in a unique musical expression that combines recitation in unison with a broad range of polyphonic structures.
The Romanian Orthodox community in Barcelona will be opening the doors of the parish church of Sant Jordi to share and celebrate the Easter Liturgy.