Kebyar. Prior Conversation

Tradition and modernity in Gamelan music

  • Dates
    February 3, 2024 · 6:30 pm
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
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A gamelan is at the same time a musical ensemble, a group of instruments and an indivisible unit of parts.

With functions rooted on spiritual and aesthetical practices, the different kinds of gamelan have transcended the borders of Indonesia long time ago. Not being well known for the general audience, they are appreciated by those that occasionally had got close to them or those who have worked with them in more depth.

This conversation before the concert offered by the Gamelan Barasvara ensemble as part of the Trànsits series, offers an opportunity to get close to different ways of understanding the musical practice, the instrument and the music itself.

Which meanings has the gamelan had throughout its history within Balinese Society? Which rol has played in the articulation between the individual and the collective? How has this practice rooted in Barcelona beyond the Indonesian diaspora? These are some of the questions that will be discussed by the ensemble musical director and the musician Krishna Sutedja.


Anak Agung Bagus Gede Krishna Putra Sutedja (Krishna)

Master in music for Codarts University for Arts de Rotterdam, this Balinese musician resident in Holland is specialist in gamelan as well as in electronic music. His work as a composer, productor and musician has led him to teach, coordinate and present his music in countries all around Europe.

Lluis Solsona

Bachelor in Piano at the Conservatori del Liceu and Master in musical research at the ESMUC, Solsona started his gamelan practice within the Gamelan Penempaan Guntur ensemble. In 2020 promoted the creation of the gamelan Barasvara ensemble that is focus on traditional Balinese repertoire for gamelan. He is the current musical director of this ensemble.

This conversation will be moderated by Dr Horacio Curti Bethencourt,Ethnomusicologist, associate professor at Esmuc and coordinator for its Asian Music Program.

In collaboration with the Office of Religious Affairs of Barcelona.

Kebyar. Prior Conversation

Tradition and modernity in Gamelan music

  • Dates
    February 3, 2024 · 6:30 pm
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Sala 4 Alicia de Larrocha
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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