This event is from the Season 2019-20



  • Dates
    26 d'abril 2020
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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MOZART: String Quintet No. 1 in B flat major, K. 174; String Quintet No. 3 in C major, K. 515
HOSOKAWA: Blossoming


Helena Satué, violin
Bernat Prat, violin
Lara Fernández, viola
Oriol Prat, cello
Ellen Nisbeth, viola


The Cosmos Quartet is one of the Catalan chamber music ensembles with the greatest international projection today. Also invited to this concert is the magnificent violist Ellen Nisbeth, who we have already had the pleasure of hearing at L’Auditori.The Cosmos Quartet is one of the Catalan chamber music ensembles with the greatest international projection today. They had their debut at L’Auditori de Barcelona last season during the Festival Emergents Barcelona. In 2018, they were awarded First Prize in the Irene Steels-Wilsing Foundation Competition. They also won First Prize at the 13th BBVA Prize-Montserrat Alavedra Chamber Music Competition and were finalists in the prestigious Geneva Competition and the Carl Nielsen International Chamber Music Competition.
This year, they will perform in the Chamber Music season to conclude the complete series of string quartets by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, which was started two seasons ago by the Modigliani Quartet and continued by the Apollon Musagète Quartet last year. They will be accompanied by the magnificent violist Ellen Nisbeth, who we have already had the pleasure of hearing during the last edition of the Festival Emergents, and on whom L’Auditori will do a small portrait thanks to her also participating in the Sampler Sèries cycle with a viola and electronic programme. The two quintets included in the concert programme offer two different perspectives of Mozart’s music, with a 14-year gap between them: the ambition and experimentation of Quintet No. 1, K. 174 and the elevated character and amplitude of registers of Quintet No. 3, K. 515.



  • Dates
    26 d'abril 2020
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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