This event is from the Season 2016-17


Spanish Paradox

  • Dates
    Dijous 10 de novembre 2016
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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RUBENS ASKENAR: Bestiario. O manual de antifábula (Bestiary: Or anti-fable manual)** (commissioned by Sampler Sèries)
ÍÑIGO GINER: Cinco analogías -teatro de sombras para cuatro músicos basado en un texto de Charles Avison (1752)** (commissioned by CNDM)
PABLO CARRASCOSA: Black** (commissioned by Sampler Sèries)

*National premiere
**International premiere


Laia Bobi Frutos, flute
Víctor de la Rosa, clarinet
Tere Gómez, saxophone
Cassiel Antón, trombone
Feliu Ribera, percussion
Mireia Vendrell, piano
Lluïsa Espigolé, piano
Luis Codera Puzo, artistic director and electric guitar


CrossingLines presents Spanish Paradox, a programme with four debuting Spanish composers of a new generation who, in spite of a strong economic crisis, have shown a burgeoning creativity.CrossingLines presents Spanish Paradox, a programme with four premières by new-generation Spanish composers who, unfazed by the serious economic crisis, have shown increasing creativity. The title highlights the effects of globalisation and migration on this new generation of creators. Rubens Askenar, a Canary Island composer living in London, Íñigo Giner, a Basque composer and stage designer living in Berlin, the Catalan Luis Codera Puzo, guest composer for the Sampler Sèries this season, and Pablo Carrascosa Llopis, a Valencian composer trained at the ESMUC, are premiering four pieces in an eclectic programme for ensemble and electronics. Spanish Paradox is a collaborative project between Sampler Sèries and the Centro Nacional de Difusión Musical (National Centre for Musical Diffusion).

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Spanish Paradox

  • Dates
    Dijous 10 de novembre 2016
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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