This event is from the Season 2018-19


Enno Poppe

  • Dates
    7 de març 2019
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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LISA STREICH: Zucker (2016) ‎
CHRISTIAN W. CHRISTENSEN: Very nearly almost in G (2016)‎
MANUEL RODRÍGUEZ VALENZUELA: 64 daily self-portraits/micro-variations on a motive of ‎Brahms (2016)‎
ENNO POPPE: Trauben (2014)‎


Ensemble Mosaik
Bettina Junge, flute
Simon Strasser, oboe
Cristian Vogel, clarinet
Chatschatur Kanajan, violin
Karen Lorenz, viola
Niklas Seidl, cello
Ernst Surberg, piano
Adrian Pereyra, guitar
Roland Neffe, percussion
Enno Poppe, director


The Ensemble Mosaik is synonymous with a commitment to and pursuit of new European ‎musical creation. Formed in Berlin in 1997, the ensemble focuses on the more innovative and ‎challenging repertoires, and often incorporates complex technical devices, as well as visual ‎and stage elements. Directed by the prestigious composer and conductor Enno Poppe, the ‎Ensemble Mosaik presents a concert with works from some of Europe’s most prominent ‎current composers: Zucker for motorised ensemble, by Swedish composer Lisa ‎Streich; Very nearly almost in G for ensemble, by Danish composer ‎Christian W. Christensen; 64 daily self-portraits/micro-variations on a motive of ‎Brahms for quartet and piano, by Valencian Manuel Rodríguez Valenzuela (Sampler ‎Series guest composer); Rdja by Serbian composer Milica Djordjević, written as ‎an expression of the inseparable relationship between gesture and movement; and Trauben ‎for piano trio, by German composer Enno Poppe.‎



Enno Poppe

  • Dates
    7 de març 2019
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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