Ensemble O Vos Omnes

Carmina Chromatico

  • Dates
    April 30, 2024 · 7 pm
  • Price
    32 €
  • Location
    Basílica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor
  • Duration aprox.
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Mateu Fletxa, the Younger: Sacro a Cibele
Mateu Fletxa, the Younger: Alza doglioso canto
Nicolà Vicentino: Musica prisca caput
Nicolà Vicentino: Madonna, il poco dolce
Orlando di Lasso: Carmina Chromatico
Orlando di Lasso: Christo dei soboles
Orlando di Lasso: Timor et tremor
Carlo Gesualdo: Tribulationem et dolore
Carlo Gesualdo: O Vos Omnes (1611)
Carlo Gesualdo: Deus refugium et virtus
Luzzasco Luzzaschi: Quivi sospiri


Ensemble O Vos Omnes
Xavier Pastrana, conductor


Once again featuring O Vos Omnes, this time with a programme showcasing some of the most important works by Mateu Fletxa el Jove, as well as those by two of his contemporaries, the great Orlando di Lasso and the theorist and madrigalist Nicolò Vicentino, born in Vicenza. 16th century polyphony was the prelude to some of the insights introduced by the Florentine Camerata at the end of the same century, blending music and drama to create the first opere per musica, which led to operatic shows. A repertoire to discover and explore with one of our most technically accomplished vocal ensembles.

Ensemble O Vos Omnes

Carmina Chromatico

  • Dates
    April 30, 2024 · 7 pm
  • Price
    32 €
  • Location
    Basílica de Sant Just i Sant Pastor
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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