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Evanescent Records

Constanza BRNČIĆ

  • Dates
    January 28 and 29, 2023
  • Price
    18 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Constanza Brnčić, director

Artistic collaborators:
Blanca Tolsà, dancer and choreographer
Alfredo Costa-Monteiro, musician and poet
Tristán Pérez-Martín, video producer and photographer
Beatriz González Magadán, artistic concept and director's assistant
Adrià Juan, Constanza Brnčić and Beatriz González Magadán, lighting and scenery
Bàrbara Raubert, artistic guidance
Ariadna Miquel, producer

Agraïments: María Vadell i l’equip de Gràcia Territori Sonor,  Sara Ojanguren, Albert Tola,  Roberto Fratini.


In the novel Locus Solus, by Raymond Roussel, a group of curious people tour the palace and gardens of the inventor and eccentric collector Canterel. Of his inventions, two particularly attract attention: resurrectin and vitalium, substances that resurrect the dead.
This piece is a second approach to the theme of the evanescence of memory, in particular, to the obsolescence of record systems and ordering systems: archives. Based on some records of recordings - 31 copies of cassette tapes taken from the house of the late musician Víctor Nubla - we propose to subvert the archive, alter it, even falsify it, to question certain logics of preserving memory and being able to bring back to life, as resurrectine and vitalium do, fleeting signs, traces that are confused, mixed and crossed with other desires and mnemonic activities. What we are interested in exploring is the fact of extracting something from an archive or microcosm and how these elements can configure a new discourse, another context: a future.

Escenes, la proposta de trobada entre disciplines artístiques de L’Auditori, ha encarregat aquest espectacle prenent com a fil discursiu el relat artístic «mort o retorn», que inspira la temporada 2022-2023.

This project began in 2022, the result of a partnership between the Museu de la Música, El Graner- Fàbrica de Creació, Gràcia Territori Sonor and Constanza Brnčić and her artistic team, within the framework of the ICUB's Creation and Museums programme, and was presented in a first piece at Espai 5 of L'Auditori in the context of the Greek Festival 2022.
In this second piece, the research started at the time on the archive, memory and the evanescence of material supports has been continued.


Evanescent Records

Constanza BRNČIĆ

  • Dates
    January 28 and 29, 2023
  • Price
    18 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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