This event is from the Season 2021-22

Smuc Jazz Project

“Noves visions” – 20è Aniversari de l’Esmuc

  • Dates
    25 de gener 2022
  • Price
    5 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Concert per a piano i big band, conductor Lluis Vidal
Tres crepúsculos, conductor Joan Díaz
Trencadis, conductor Joan Sanmartí
Concerto for de la Bonde, conductor Joan Monné
Concerto For Trumpet, conductor Francesc Capella


Lluís Vidal
Joan Diaz
Joan Sanmartí
Joan Monné
Francesc Capella

Guest Artists:
Xavier Torres, piano – Concert per a piano i big band
Carola Ortiz, voice and clarinet – Tres crepúsculos
Pablo Selnik, flute and voice – Trencadis
Santi de la Rubia, saxophone – Concerto for de la Blonde
Oscar Latorre, trumpet – Concerto For Trumpet

Maria Gil, flute
Pedro Villanueva, clarinet and bass clarinet
Pau Jorba, alto sax
Aina López, alto sax
Joan Martí, tenor saxophone
Enric Ramon, tenor saxophone
Pere Miro, baritone sax
Gregori Hollis, Marina Feliu, Eric Bosch and Cesc Badia, trumpets and flugel
Alba Pujals, Gerard Serrano and Júlia Soler, trombones
Manel Juste, bass trombone
Vicente López, guitar
Vicente Marín, piano
Cristian González, keyboards
Miquel Casanova, double bass
David Gimeno, drums


The ESMUC Jazz Project will be making its yearly appearance at L’Auditori. This year, the student jazz ensemble from the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya will be involved as part of the school’s 20th anniversary. The public will be offered an insight into the talent and creative drive that have emerged from the school. In its six previous projects, the ESMUC Jazz Project focused on disseminating the music of leading names from the world of jazz like Keith Jarrett, Ornette Coleman, Carla Bley, Ralph Towner, Chick Corea and Wayne Shorter. On this occasion, however, the audience will be able to enjoy original works by its directors Francesc Capella, Joan Díaz, Joan Monné, Joan Sanmartí and Lluís Vidal. These five premieres for soloist and jazz ensemble will be performed by a group of students from ESMUC and five young musicians from today’s music scene–former students from the school of proven artistic standing.


Smuc Jazz Project

“Noves visions” – 20è Aniversari de l’Esmuc

  • Dates
    25 de gener 2022
  • Price
    5 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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