This event is from the Season 2016-17


Ayer moriré

  • Dates
    Dissabte 22 d'abril 2017
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Eva Fernández, vocals and saxophone
Núria Garcia, violin
Josep Munar, guitar
Magalí Datzira, double bass and vocals
Glòria Maurel, drums
Enric Palomar, piano


Eva Fernández (saxophonist and vocalist) is a promising new talent on the jazz scene. Through her younger years, she gained a wealth of experience in a short time and is part of a wave of new young talent emerging from the Taller de Músics music school.Eva Fernández is a promising new talent on the jazz scene who stands out as a saxophonist and vocalist. Through her younger years, she gained a wealth of experience in a short time and is part of a wave of new young talent emerging from the Taller de Músics music school. This offering explores new ground through new compositions featuring poetry touching on the desire for death, with special pieces inspired by the Argentinian poet Alejandra Pizarnik, amongst others. Accompanied by Núria Garcia, Josep Munar, Magalí Datzira, Glòria Maurel and Enric Palomar, Eva Fernández invites you to experience a musical poetic embrace brimming with mystique.




Ayer moriré

  • Dates
    Dissabte 22 d'abril 2017
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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