This event is from the Season 2019-20


A concert from 1814‎

  • Dates
    ‎24, 25 i 26 de gener 2020‎
  • Price
    ‎12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€‎
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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Barcelona Symphony and National Orchestra of Catalonia (OBC)
Jan Willem de Vriend, conductor
Mercedes Gancedo, soprano
Marc Sala, tenor
Riccardo Certi, bass


The OBC joins the events commemorating the 250th anniversary of Beethoven’s birth, ‎offering five programmes with fifteen works by the Bonn composer.‎The first programme, under the baton of the great expert in music from the Classical period ‎and principal guest conductor of the OBC, Jan Willem de Vriend, is a recreation of the concert ‎performed by Beethoven himself at the Imperial Palace of Vienna on 27 February 1814: the ‎premiere of the fresh and light-hearted Eighth Symphony and the performance of three ‎portfolio works. Firstly, the Seventh Symphony (which premiered with great success two ‎months earlier), followed by a vocal trio composed at the time he was receiving classes from ‎the legendary Antonio Salieri and, finally, the spectacular Victory Symphony – including ‎cannon shots and bell peals – which overshadowed the performance of the rest of the ‎programme.‎



A concert from 1814‎

  • Dates
    ‎24, 25 i 26 de gener 2020‎
  • Price
    ‎12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€‎
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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