Grisey: Les espaces acoustiques

Ernest Martínez Izquierdoa nd the Orquestra de l'ESMUC

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Gérard Grisey: Les espaces acoustiques (1974-1985) 120′



Orquestra de l’Esmuc
Jonathan Brown, viola
Júlia Gállego, flute
Xavier Castillo, clarinet
José Vicente Castelló, horn
Helena Satué, violin
Erica Wise, cello
Uxia Martínez Botana, double bass
Ernest Martínez Izquierdo, director


Grisey’sLes Espaces Acoustiques is one of the most ambitious works in the history of music in terms of composition and artistry.

Structured in six pieces that can be performed independently, Acoustic Spaces, as its name suggests, is an exploration of harmonic, spectral (or the sounds contained within a sound) and temporal possibilities, but also instrumental potential, as the cycle opens with a work for solo viola and the instrumental presence progressively expands until the cycle concludes with the monumental Épilogue, for four solo horns and large orchestra.

A unique occasion to listen, 50 years after its composition, to one of the most unique works of the late 20th century. As Grisey himself stated, ‘Acoustic Spaces is really a big laboratory’.

Supported by:

Banc Sabadell Fundació

Grisey: Les espaces acoustiques

Ernest Martínez Izquierdoa nd the Orquestra de l'ESMUC

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