This event is from the Season 2017-18


  • Dates
    3 de desembre 2017
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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TELEMANN: Suite in A Minor for recorder, strings and basso continuo TWV 55: a2; Sonata in G major for two violins TWV 40:101; Concerto in D minor for two chalumeaux, strings and basso continuo TWV 52:D1; Sonata in F Major for two chalumeaux, unison violins and basso continuo TWV 43:F2; Sonata in C minor for two violins, viola and basso continuo DürG14; Concerto in C Major for recorder, strings and basso continuo TWV 51: C1


Giovanni Antonini, recorder, tenor chalumeau and musical direction
Tindaro Capuano, contralto chalumeau
Stefano Barneschi, Marco Bianchi, Liana Mosca, violins
Liana Mosca, viola
Paolo Beschi, cello
Giancarlo De Frenza, violone
Evangelina Mascardi, theorbo


To mark the 250 years since the death of Telemann, we will have the opportunity to listen to a sample of his chamber music production in the hands of one of the most important Baroque music groups today.This year we are marking the 250 years since the death of Georg Philipp Telemann, regarded as the greatest German Baroque musician, together with his contemporary friends J. S. Bach and G. F. Handel. A brilliant composer, Telemann excelled in all musical genres and has left us a very impressive legacy. In the hands of one of the most important Baroque music groups today, we will have the opportunity to listen to some delightful samples of his chamber music, which signified the consolidation of the genre in Central Europe.



  • Dates
    3 de desembre 2017
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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