This event is from the Season 2021-22

Liceu Jazz Grup

Emergents Barcelona Music Festival

  • Dates
    12 de febrer 2022
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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Sara Lilu, voice
Lluís Figuerola, trumpet
Martí Pareras, flute
Alba Esteban, baritone saxophone
Camil Arcarazo, guitar
Kei Traïd, piano
Arnau Prats, double bass
Timothée Tobias, drums


The Liceu Jazz Group brings together the best students of the Conservatori Superior del Liceu and gives them the opportunity to enjoy an artistic experience in a real professional environment. This year, it will be part of L’Auditori de Barcelona’s consolidated programme, Festival Emergents. They will be accompanied by saxophonist Bill McHenry. The Liceu Jazz Group’s project follows the basic structure of jazz bands and is an example of the accompaniment, as regards entrepreneurship, offered by the institution to students throughout their training. The talent and energy of the young musicians combined with the knowledge of renowned musicians creates a space in which new trends and experiences are strengthened and multiply.

Liceu Jazz Grup

Emergents Barcelona Music Festival

  • Dates
    12 de febrer 2022
  • Price
    10 €
  • Location
    Sala 3 Tete Montoliu
  • Duration aprox.
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