This event is from the Season 2015-16


  • Dates
    29 i 30 d'abril i 1 de maig de 2016
  • Price
    10€ / 32€ / 42€ / 56€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
  • Artists
    Jordi Savall, director
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• Bach » Suite núm. 3 per a orquestra
• Mozart » Serenata núm. 6
•Francesco Geminiani (ca. 1680-1762) » Concerto grosso Opus 5, No. 12. Sopra “La Follia” d’Arcangelo Corelli
• Händel » Música per als Reials Focs artificials


Jordi Savall, conductor


Rarely do we get to hear the OBC performing a repertoire as old as this but, to ensure its success, there is no better way than to work with one of the most internationally renowned experts, Jordi Savall, the viola da gamba player and conductor.
The premiere of Music for the Royal Fireworks was a disaster. Some rockets flew into the orchestra, others burned the grand structure that was built for the occasion and a number of them set fire to a wooden bas-relief of King George II of England, who had commissioned the work. Despite these mishaps, the music was spectacular and over 260 years later we are still surprised by its power and originality. The programme is completed with the popular Suite No. 3 by Bach (including the famous Air on a G String), a work by the most beloved classical composer in Vienna: Mozart (a young man who wanted to make the music capital of the world sit up and take notice) and a piece of italian composer Geminiani inspired by Corelli’s “La Follia”.



  • Dates
    29 i 30 d'abril i 1 de maig de 2016
  • Price
    10€ / 32€ / 42€ / 56€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
  • Artists
    Jordi Savall, director
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