This event is from the Season 2018-19


  • Dates
    29 de gener 2019
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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MOMPOU: Música callada


Josep Colom, piano


Two key figures in Catalan music team up in the second piano recital in the Chamber Music ‎season. The eminent pianist Josep Colom invites us to discover the personal world of ‎Frederic Mompou through his Música callada (Silent music).‎Two key figures in Catalan music team up in the second piano recital in the Chamber Music ‎season. The eminent pianist Josep Colom invites us to discover the personal world of ‎Frederic Mompou through the most important and transcendent of his works for piano, the ‎monumental Música callada (Silent music). Arranged in four books, the twenty-‎eight pieces that comprise Mompou’s masterwork are inspired by the poems of St. John of ‎the Cross: “The peaceful night / along with the rising of the dawn, / the silent music, / the ‎sound of solitude, / the supper that amuses and causes us to fall in love”. Each one with its ‎own personality, the pieces that comprise Música callada share a delight for a ‎highly-refined melody where no note is incidental, with an intimate and contemplative ‎character and innovative harmonic colours that make them unique works in their category ‎and that perfectly exemplify the soundworld of one of the greatest Catalan composers of all ‎time.‎



  • Dates
    29 de gener 2019
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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