
Músiques del gamelan de Bali

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I Nyoman Windha:
Puspanjali (5′)
Coreografia: N. L. N.Swasthi Wijaya Bandem

Jagul (9′)

I Wayan Beratha:
Gesuri (15′)

I Mario:
Kebyar Trompong (12′)

I Wayan Gandra: 
Hujan Mas (8′)


Anak Agung Bagus Gede Krishna Putra Sutedja, guest conductor
Wolter Gerungan, guest dancer

Gamelan Barasvara
Lluís Solsona, conductor
Judit Barahona, Nyoman Hardiani Dewi, dance


The multiple and prolific gamelan tradition on the Indonesian islands of Java and Bali bears a common thread in the form of a set of percussion instruments, with the regular inclusion of bamboo flutes. Their music exhibits a wide range of sounds and genres, depending on the materials used to make the instruments and the area of origin. Most of the instruments in the gamelan gong kebyar are made of bronze. The term kebyar, which can be translated as ‘to burst open’, synthesises some characteristic traits of the music composed for this type of gamelan, distinguished by abrupt contrasts in tempo, dynamics, and texture. Although it emerged in a politically uncertain context due to the recent colonisation, some speculate that its aesthetics may have been affected by this.

Gamelan Barasvara, a gamelan gong kebyar group permanently residing at the Museu de la Música, will perform a series of original kebyar-style pieces, such as the tabuh kreasi baru, newly created instrumental compositions, and the short dances named tari lepas.

Gamelan Barasvara
Alexandra Alt
Ángel D. Blanco
Anna Contreras
Cahaya Kabuhung
Carme López
Clara Viñuales
Franziska Ewald
Giuseppe Pulice
Immanuel Kabuhung
Isabel Acosta
Jordi Juan
Juan L. Restrepo
Lester Brunt
Martí Ruiz
Martina Borrut
Max Thijssen
Patricia Maeser
Violeta Tello
Wayan Shayna Calvo Dewi
Lluís Solé


Músiques del gamelan de Bali

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