This event is from the Season 2021-22

Lucía Suite

  • Dates
    22 d'octubre 2021
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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Elena Rodríguez, violin
Paula Del Río, violin
Laura Nicolás, violin
Ana Fernández, violin
Helena Gilabert, violin
Carmen Pascual, violin
Claudia García, viola
Zhongjin Gorane Ruiz, viola
Llorenç Carbó, cello
Caterina Serrallonga, cello
Marina Feliu, trumpet
Júlia Soler, trombone
Maria Gil, transverse flute
Javier Sánchez, sax
Marc López, flamenco guitar
David Leiva, flamenco guitar
Carlos Torijano, piano
Tomàs Pujol, double bass
David Domínguez, percussion

Guest Artist:
Carles Benavent, electric bass
Antonio Serrano, harmonica
Rafael Utrera, cante
Marta Robles, flamenco guitar

Joan Albert Amargós, direction

Santiago Galán, Joan Albert Amargós i David Leiva, arrangements


Paco de Lucía was not only one of the greatest guitarists of all times. His approach to flamenco and way of putting it into practice played a decisive role in making this musical genre internationally known and in its fusion with other kinds of music, like jazz. With good reason, L’Auditori and Ciutat Flamenco therefore decided to organise Suite de Lucía, a concert and tribute to the virtuoso guitarist for which Joan Albert Amargós arranged some of Paco de Lucía’s best known themes. With his expertise as a musician and his in-depth knowledge of jazz and flamenco, Amargós explores de Lucía’s music, infusing it with marvellous musicality through his arrangements for big band. The concert, co-produced by Taller de Músics and the Escola Superior de Música de Catalunya, will be conducted by Amargós with the participation of teachers and students from both schools, joined by some of the artists who accompanied Lucía throughout his career, such as Carles Benavent and Antonio Serrano.

Lucía Suite

  • Dates
    22 d'octubre 2021
  • Price
    15 €
  • Location
    Sala 2 Oriol Martorell
  • Duration aprox.
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