Magal Porokhane

Mouride Sufism Celebration

  • Dates
    February 24, 2024 · 6 p.m.
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Teatre Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Rector Triadó, 53, Barcelona)
  • Duration aprox.
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Dhikr, Zikr or Zikir, ‘remembrance of God’, is an Arabic concept meaning the practice of remembering or reminding oneself of God. The practice includes repeating words or phrases that are intended to keep God’s presence in the heart and mind. Allah, Subhanallah or Alhamdulillah are some names of God that are repeated in these rituals, as well as phrases such as Allahu Akbar, ‘God is great’.

Dhikr is usually practised individually in many Muslim groups, as a form of intimacy with Allah. In the Mouride tariqa in the Senegalese Mouride brotherhood, one of four Sufi orders in Senegal, this practice is done collectively and involves lengthy rituals, both inside and outside the mosque. Mouride Tariqa may accompany Dhikr with music, repetitive body movements or dances to stimulate a state of ecstasy, trànsit and spiritual connection.

On the occasion of the celebration of Magal Porokhane or Magal Sokhna Diarra, the magal dedicated to women, one of the two great festivities of the Murid calendar, the Barcelona dahira opens its doors to show the practice of dhikr and the songs of khassides, written by Ahmadou Bamba, founder of Muridism.

This extraordinary celebration will be attended by Ahmadou Bamba Al-Khadîm Mountakha Mbacké, grandson of Ahmadou Bamba and imam of the Darou Minane mosque in Touba, the sacred city of Muridism.

Liturgical service in collaboration with the Office of Religious Affairs and Keur Serigne Touba Barcelona, ​​Murid Community of Barcelona.

Long-duration activity, with conversation and final meal. The ticket gives access to the venue and allows entry and exit throughout the celebration, as well as to dinner. We kindly ask for punctuality and respect.


18:15 – 19:00 Dhikr
19:00 – 20:00 Conversation
20:00 – 20:15 Prayer
20:15 – 20:45 Individual song of khassaides
20:45-21:45 Kourel
21:45-22:15 Conference by Ahmadou Bamba Al-Khadîm Mountakha Mback and final dikhr
22:15-23:00 Dinner

Magal Porokhane

Mouride Sufism Celebration

  • Dates
    February 24, 2024 · 6 p.m.
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Teatre Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Rector Triadó, 53, Barcelona)
  • Duration aprox.
Totes les sessions finalitzades
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