Magal Porokhane


  • Dates
    February 19, 2024 · 7 p.m.
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Teatre Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Rector Triadó, 53, Barcelona)
  • Duration aprox.
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With the participation of M’Baye Pouye, Aminata Fall, Ahmadou Bamba Al-Khadîm Mountakha Mbacké and Marta Contijoch.

This conversation is integrated into the course of the Magal Porokhane celebration. Access is included with general admission.

The Magal Porokhane or Magal de Sokhna Diarra is one of the two great festivities of the ritual calendar within the Sufism of the Muridita tariqa of Senegal. This and other practices of the Senegalese community also take place within the framework of the meeting spaces of the Senegalese community in the diaspora, the dahires. Among other places in Europe we also find it in the city of Barcelona by the hand of Dahira Jazbul Khulob, the city’s main Muridite dahira

What is the role of women in this form of Islam, and this celebration in particular? How important is the figure of Sokhna Diarra, Mame Diarra Bousso, in the Muridite tradition? What is the significance of the practice in its place of origin and how does one live from the diaspora? What function does the sound aspect have and what function does this celebration fulfill within the framework of the community?


M’Baye Pouye
Founding member and former vice-president of the Muridiyya Federation of Catalonia (Federació Touba Catalunya). Vice-president and spokesperson in charge of relations with the institutions of the Dahira Jazbul Khulob in Barcelona. Spiritual activist and research collaborator in the field of Muridiyya and Sufism.

Aminata Fall
Born in Senegal, where she attended secondary school, and a member of the Dahira Mame Diarra in Barcelona.

Ahmadou Bamba Al-Khadîm Mountakha Mbacké
Grandson of the founder of the Muridiyya. Specialist in Islamic studies and on the life of Cheikh Amadou Bamba, about whom he has written several works. He is President of the Minane Academy of Islamic Sciences and imam of the Darou Minane mosque in Touba. He has been the promoter of several initiatives both in Senegal and in the diaspora and founder of the Dahira Sokhan Diarra.

Marta Contijoch Torres
PhD in Social Anthropology from the University of Barcelona (2023), specialized in the fields of urban and religious anthropology. He has carried out field work on religious diversity in both Senegal and Catalonia, especially among the Senegalese diaspora present in Barcelona.

In collaboration with the Religious Affairs Office of Barcelona City Council and Keur Serigne Touba Barcelona.

Magal Porokhane


  • Dates
    February 19, 2024 · 7 p.m.
  • Price
    Free with prior reservation
  • Location
    Teatre Casinet d’Hostafrancs (Rector Triadó, 53, Barcelona)
  • Duration aprox.
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