Eduard Iniesta, musical direction and arrangements
Pablo Paz, stage direction
Pau Domènech, bass clarinet
Gregori Ferrer, accordion, violin and saw
Eduard Iniesta, plucked string instruments
Joan Aguiar, violin and percussion
Ivó Oller, flugelhorn and trumpet
Laura Mejía, voice
The works of the Salzburg composer performed by six musicians playing instruments from all the families: voice, accordion, bass clarinet, violin, flugelhorn and plucked string. The arrangements were put together based on Mozart’s music but with styles, rhythms and harmonies more aligned with today’s sensitivity. The wardrobe, staging and the attitudes of the performers hold the attention of the audience from start to finish.
WORKSHOPS FOR FAMILIES WITH KIDS AGED 1 TO 5 YEARS: 4 an 11 November 2018 at 11am and 12.15pm.
These workshops are related to the concerts: 17 November, at 5pm, and 18 November, at 12 noon.Works by Mozart