This event is from the Season 2019-20


Esther Yoo on violin

  • Dates
    23 i 24 de maig 2020
  • Price
    12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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CARRASCOSA: Commissioned work
BARBER: Concerto for violin and orchestra, Op. 14
SIBELIUS: Symphony No. 1 in E minor, Op. 39


Barcelona Symphony and National Orchestra of Catalonia (OBC)
Michal Nesterowicz, conductor
Esther Yoo, violin


Michal Nesterowicz is the most renowned Polish conductor of his generation. Since winning the Cadaqués Orchestra International Conducting Competition in 2008, his career has taken off. On this occasion he returns to lead the OBC in their performance of Jean Sibelius’s First symphony, the one that endorsed the quality of the Finnish composer —the two works were written around the same time— which premiered 120 years ago.Young violinist Esther Yoo impressed the whole world when she won the International Jean Sibelius Violin Competition in 2010 and the Queen Elisabeth Competition in 2012. Since then she has performed all over the world and last year performed in Barcelona with Sibelius’s Violin Concerto. She now returns to the Catalan capital with Barber’s Violin Concerto, the most popular solo violin piece written by an American composer. To open the concert, we will be able to enjoy the latest work by Valencian composer Pablo Carrascosa.


Esther Yoo on violin

  • Dates
    23 i 24 de maig 2020
  • Price
    12€ / 34€ / 44€ / 59€
  • Location
    Sala 1 Pau Casals
  • Duration aprox.
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