Kirill Gerstein and Marta Gardolińska

Totes les sessions finalitzades
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Domènec Terradellas: Overture to the Oratorio “Giuseppe riconosciuto” (1736) 8′
Robert Schumann: Piano Concerto in A minor, Op. 54 (1841-1845) 30′
Ludwig van Beethoven: Symphony No. 4 in B-flat major, Op. 60 (1806) 34′


Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC
Kirill Gerstein, piano
Marta Gardolińska, conductor


Marta Gardolińska presents a programme encompassing three personalities with turbulent lives.

Although little known today, Domènec Terradellas was one of the most important Catalan composers of the Baroque period. Born in Barcelona, he soon made a career in Italy, where he died in mysterious circumstances.

Robert Schumann suffered several episodes of mental illness, as well as an injury which put an end to his career as a pianist. However, his talent as a composer has ensured his place in the memory of all music lovers, with pieces such as his extraordinary Piano Concerto.

Ludwig van Beethoven also abandoned his role as a performer. As a composer, while writing his Fifth, he was commissioned to write another symphony. He created the Fourth, intended to be a more conventional work. Even so, it already includes some of the exceptional ideas that he developed in his next symphony.


Kirill Gerstein and Marta Gardolińska

Totes les sessions finalitzades
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