The Concerto for violin and orchestra n. 2 by Bartók has been replaced by the Concerto for violin and orchestra no. 1 by the same composer.

Shostakovich 15‎

Vilde Frang & Ludovic Morlot

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Gabriella Smith: f(x)=xsin^2x-1/x (2019) 5′ – National premiere
Béla Bartók: Concerto No. 1 for violin and orchestra, op. post. BB48a (1907-08) 21′
Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 15 in A major, Op. 141 (1971) 42’‎


Barcelona Symphony Orchestra (OBC)‎
Vilde Frang, violin
Ludovic Morlot, conductor


Like life itself, Dmitri Shostakovich’s symphonic legacies are filled with irony, nostalgia and enigmas in a seemingly senseless pastiche, with a mix of satyr and tragedy. The last symphony by the great Russian symphony composer is a retrospective, with a wealth of references and motifs. This large symphonic canvas, made of torn shreds of itself, offers an insight into the composer’s complex creative world. It was premiered in Moscow, conducted by his son Maxim.

The Spanish premiere of f(x)=xsin^2x-1/x is an introduction to the work of a promising American composer. Its title is the mathematic function that describes its formal structure. 

Shostakovich 15‎

Vilde Frang & Ludovic Morlot

Totes les sessions finalitzades
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